Nayagarh Judgeship has got its territorial jurisdiction co-extensive with the local limits of jurisdiction of Nayagarh Revenue District. The Revenue District of Nayagarh took birth in the year 1995 as one of the new Districts of Odisha State when the erstwhile Puri District was trifurcated into three separate districts.
The revenue district of Nayagarh was part of the then Puri Judgeship, so far as the district judiciary is concerned till 2011. However, on the 8th day of July, 2011 the Judgeship of Nayagarh was carved out of the Puri Judgeship as a separate and independent Judgeship and was inaugurated under the gracious hands of Hon’ble Sri Justice Pradip Kumar Mohanty.
The district of Nayagarh has got a rich heritage of culture, marvellous bio-diversity and unique social structure. The Judgeship of Nayagarh has its headquarters at Nayagarh Town. It situates at a distance of 90 kilometres from the State Capital at Bhubaneswar and 120 kilometres from Cuttack, where the Hon’ble High Court of Orissa situates. The district of Nayagarh is a land-locked territory sharing its boundaries with the contiguous districts such as Cuttack on North, Kandhamal on West, Ganjam on South and Khordha on East. The National Highway No.57 is the main arterial road link of the district with the State Capital. It has got well connected road links with the other parts of the State.
The District Court at headquarter station Nayagarh is functioning in one District Court Complex situated by the side of Nayagarh Khandapara PWD highway. To cater the needs of the residents of the district and with an aim to provide justice at door step courts have been established at taluk levels. Courts of Addl. District & Sessions Judge, Senior Civil Judge, Gram Nyayalaya & Judicial Magistrate First Class –cum Civil Judge have been established at Odagaon. Courts of Senior Civil Judge & Judicial Magistrate First Class –cum-Civil Judge have been established at Khandapara. Court of Judicial Magistrate First Class –cum-Civil Judge have been established at Ranpur, Daspalla and Bhapur.